Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Four Weeks After Surgery

Yesterday, concerned about a hard bulge above the main incision on my belly, I called the young doc, and he told me what it was. Nothing to worry about, he said, it's just a seroma, some fluid that'll disperse over the next couple of months.

It's been two days since I've been back to work, not counting Memorial Day when I went in for six hours. The kids put up a big WELCOME BACK banner. Many of the girls gave me a hug. Boys yelled and gave me high fives.

My stamina is there--11-hour days, both--but I'm leaking and getting sore.

The month I took for recovery is like a dream now, in the past. Now, it's about getting through the last few weeks of school, getting a trainer to help me get back in shape, and then vacationing and looking for the future in Mexico.

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